If you cancel the order before it is shipped, we will refund the entire amount. Please call us or email us at eyecare@shethopticals.com to notify us about the cancellation.
However, if the cancellation is after your product has shipped, you can do one of the following:
When we receive the item, we will inspect it to ensure everything is present and in it’s in original condition and then issue either a full refund or a different item in exchange, as per your request. Your money will be refunded in full within 7 days of the receipt of the product.
If in case the box in which the item has arrived has extensive visible damage, you are requested not to accept the shipment and contact Customer Care.
To meet the cancellation deadline, timely mailing of the written cancellation or return of shipment shall suffice.
If in case you have a sealed lens box you purchased from us and your power changes, you can contact our customer support at eyecare@shethopticals.com and request for an exchange. Depending on the product, we may accept the product back and give you the new power of the same product.